
All features, messages are editable and customizable in our plugin.

prefix: "&x&b&8&0&0&1&1&lg&x&b&e&0&0&0&f&lI&x&c&4&0&0&0&c&lP&x&c&a&0&0&0&a&lG&x&d&1&0&0&0&7&lu&x&d&7&0&0&0&5&la&x&d&d&0&0&0&2&lr&x&e&3&0&0&0&0&ld &8ยป "

#  driver: sqlite / mysql
  driver: "sqlite"
    host: "localhost"
    port: 3306
    database: "database"
    username: "username"
    password: "password"
      autoReconnect: true
      useSSL: true
      waitTimeout: 28800

  enabled: false
  webhook-url: ""
    title: ":warning: A player tried to access a protected account."
    description: "**The user details:**\n> Username: **%player%** \n> IP-Address: **%ip_address%** \n> Exact Date: **%date%**"
    color: "#36393F"
    footer: "Glowing Studios - gDiscordSync Logs"
    timestamp: true

  reload-success: "&x&2&b&f&b&0&0The plugin files have been successfully reloaded!"
  no-permission: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5You don't have permission to do this command."
  too-many-args: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5You tried to use too many arguments while using the command."
  added-player: "&fYou have &x&2&b&f&b&0&0successfully assigned&f the IP Address &7&n%ip_address%&r &fto &c%player% &fplayer account!"
  invalid-format: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5The IP Address format is incorrect!"
  removed-player: "&x&2&b&f&b&0&0%player% player IP address has been removed from the database."
  player-not-found: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5This player name is not in the database!"
  database-error: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5An error occurred while communicating with the database!"
  - '&x&b&8&0&0&1&1&lg&x&b&e&0&0&0&f&lI&x&c&4&0&0&0&c&lP&x&c&a&0&0&0&a&lG&x&d&1&0&0&0&7&lu&x&d&7&0&0&0&5&la&x&d&d&0&0&0&2&lr&x&e&3&0&0&0&0&ld &8ยป &fYou have been kicked from the server.'
  - '&r'
  - '&fReason: &7This user account is IP address protected!'
  - '&r'
  - '&7&'
  players-list: "&fPlayers in database: "
  no-players-list: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5No players in database!"
  player-name-format: "&e%player%"
  ip-address-format: "&7(%ip_address%)"
  player-exists: "&x&2&b&f&b&0&0The %player% player is in the database. IP address: %ip_address%"
  player-not-exists: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5The player %player% is not in the database."
  check-usage: "&x&f&b&2&5&2&5Correct usage: /gipguard check <playername>"
  activation-successful: "&x&2&b&f&b&0&0You have activated IP Protection for the account %player%. The IP address is %ip_address%"
  deactivation-successful: "&x&2&b&f&b&0&0You have successfully disabled IP Protection on the account!"

  - "&r"
  - "&x&b&8&0&0&1&1&lg&x&b&e&0&0&0&f&lI&x&c&4&0&0&0&c&lP&x&c&a&0&0&0&a&lG&x&d&1&0&0&0&7&lu&x&d&7&0&0&0&5&la&x&d&d&0&0&0&2&lr&x&e&3&0&0&0&0&ld &8ยป &fAvailable commands:"
  - "&r"
  - "&8&lโ€ข &c/gipguard add <player> <ip> &8- Assign an IP Address to an account."
  - "&8&lโ€ข &c/gipguard remove <player> &8- &7Delete the player's details from database."
  - "&8&lโ€ข &c/gipguard reload &8- &7Reload the plugin config file."
  - "&r"
  - "&fIf u need some help join our Discord server!"
  - "&x&7&2&8&9&d&a"
  - "&r"

config-version: "3"

Last updated