Configuration and Encryption

The appearance of the configuration and a description of our encryption:

Configuration Guide

Upon purchasing our product, you will need to configure it by entering specific key information. This guide will walk you through each step of the process to ensure a smooth setup.

License Key

  1. Obtain the License Key: After purchasing our product, please join our Discord server to request your License Key.

  2. Enter the License Key:

    LicenseKey: "key" ## Please enter here the license code that you requested on our discord server after purchase!

Bot Token

  1. Obtain the Bot Token: Create or select your bot on the Discord Developer Portal to find your Bot Token.

  2. Enter the Bot Token:

    BotToken: "Bot Token" # Replace "Bot Token" with your Discord bot's token.

Guild ID and Client ID

  1. Find the Guild ID: Right-click on your Guild in Discord and select "Copy ID" to obtain the Guild ID. Find the Client ID: Right-click on your Discord Bot name in discord, and select "Copy ID"

  2. Enter the Guild ID:

    GuildID: "Guild ID" # Please enter the Guild ID of your Discord server!
    ClientID: "Client ID" # It's your Discord bot ID

Server Port

  • Configure the Server Port: Ensure the port in the configuration matches your server's port.

    Port: 9262 # Replace 9262 with your server's actual port number.

AdminUserID and PermissionUserID

AdminUserID: When someone registers on the Panel, the user with the provided Discord ID will always be the one to receive it.

PermissionUserID: Only the user with the provided Discord ID can use the Panel Slash Commands within Discord.

AdminUserID: "ID" ## It's the Owner ID who's can manage the registration embeds
PermissionUserID: ["ID", "ID"] ## This ID who's can use the commands on the server!

Glowing Studios reserves all rights to this product. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or misuse of this product may result in legal action.

Last updated