Configuration and Encryption

The appearance of the configuration and a description of our encryption:

Configuration Guide

Upon purchasing our product, you will need to configure it by entering specific key information. This guide will walk you through each step of the process to ensure a smooth setup.

License Key

  1. Obtain the License Key: After purchasing our product, please join our Discord server to request your License Key.

  2. Enter the License Key:

    LicenseKey: "License Key" # Replace "License Key" with your actual license key obtained from our Discord server.

Bot Token

  1. Obtain the Bot Token: Create or select your bot on the Discord Developer Portal to find your Bot Token.

  2. Enter the Bot Token:

    BotToken: "Bot Token" # Replace "Bot Token" with your Discord bot's token.

Guild ID

  1. Find the Guild ID: Right-click on your Guild in Discord and select "Copy ID" to obtain the Guild ID.

  2. Enter the Guild ID:

    GuildID: "Guild ID" # Replace "Guild ID" with your Discord server's Guild ID.

Server Port

  • Configure the Server Port: Ensure the port in the configuration matches your server's port.

    Port: 9262 # Replace 9262 with your server's actual port number.

User Information

This section has been completely modified, and images of it can be found on BuiltByBit!

  identificationCode: "code1" # Your identification code.
  securityQuestion: "code2" # Your security question answer.

Glowing Studios reserves all rights to this product. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or misuse of this product may result in legal action.

Last updated