
All features, messages are editable and customizable in our plugin.

####################################### CONFIGURATION #######################################

config-version: "3" # Do NOT modify this, just if you download an Update and it's not updated automatically

  host: "host"
  port: 3306
  database: "database"
  username: "username"
  password: "password"
  autoReconnect: true
  useSSL: true
  waitTimeout: 28800

####################################### MAIN CONFIGURATION #######################################

  player-only-command: "&cThis command is exclusive to players! Try not to use it from the console, buddy."
  no-permission: "&cSeems like you're trying to access something out of your league. Permission denied."
  staff-mode-enabled: "&aBuckle up, %player%! Staff Mode is now active. Time to keep the server safe."
  staff-mode-disabled: "&cAlright, %player%, taking a break? Staff Mode is now OFF. Enjoy your normal player privileges."
  staff-mode-disabled-on-leave: "&cNote to %player%: We've turned off Staff Mode since you left."
  cannot-place-blocks: "&cWhoa there! Placing blocks in Staff Mode? I think not, keep it clean"
  cannot-break-blocks: "&cBreaking blocks in Staff Mode? Not on my watch."
  item-frame-interact-disabled: "&cTrying to decorate while on Staff Mode? Item frame interactions are a no-go in Staff Mode."
  silent-chest-open: "&aYou just silently opened a chest. No one heard a thing."
  silent-chest-name: "&eSilent Chest&7 (Shh... It's a secret)"
  staff-mode-disabled-death: "&cOof, death comes for us all, even in Staff Mode. %player%, your Staff Mode has been disabled."
  click-to-toggle-vanish: "&7Use this item &7to become invisible to other &aplayers &7easily."
  vanish-active: "&aYou're now invisible. Vanish (Active). Enjoy moving unseen."
  vanish-inactive: "&cYou've reappeared to other players, Vanish (Inactive)."

####################################### FREEZE #######################################

  item-name: "&7( &bFreeze &7)"
  item-lore: "&7With &7( &bFreeze &7) &7item, you can freeze other players,\n&7making situations &bsecure &7and &bmanageable &7easily."
  freeze-message: "&7&m---------------------------------------\n&eYou have been frozen by a staff member.\n&eAttempting to disconnect will result in a &c&lPERMANENT BAN&e.\n&eFor your next steps, please connect with us on Discord: &7( &e[Click Invite to join].\n&7&m---------------------------------------"
  click-here: "&e [Invite]"
  discord-hover: "&eHop into our Discord for assistance!"
  broadcast-frozen: "&cALERT: %player% has been frozen by %executor%. โ„๏ธ"
  unfreeze-message: "&aYou've been unfreezed out by %executor%."
  broadcast-unfrozen: "&aGood news! %player% is no longer frozen, thanks to %executor%."
  command-blocked: "&cSorry, you can't use this command while you're frozen. Patience is key."
  default-executor-name: "&cSystem Override"
  cage-floor-material: "ICE"
  non-player-interaction-message: "&cThis item can only be used on players!"
  air-interaction-message: "&cThis tool can only be used on players!"
  ground-interaction-message: "&cThis tool can only be used on players!"
    - "/help"
    - "/msg"
    - "/reply"
    - "/m"
    - "/tell"
    - "/r"

####################################### INVSEE #######################################

  item-name: "&7( &4Invsee &7)"
  item-lore: "&7Click with this item, to view a &4player's &7inventory!"
  no-permission-view: "&cYou do not have permission to view inventories."
  clear-inventory-prefix: "&cClear "
  clear-inventory-message: "&a%target%'s inventory has been cleared."
  no-clear-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to clear inventories. You need the 'gstaffteam.clear' permission."
  inventory-title: "&e%target%'s Inventory"
  non-player-interaction-message: "&cYou can only use this item on players!"
  air-interaction-message: "&cThis tool can only be used on players!"
  ground-interaction-message: "&cThis tool can only be used on players!"

####################################### RANDOM TELEPORT #######################################

  item-name: "&7( &cRandom Teleport &7)"
  item-lore: "&7Use &7( &cRandom Teleportation &7) &7to randomly teleport\n&7to players on the server."
  teleport-success: "&aYou have been teleported to %target%."
  no-players: "&cThere are no other players on the server to teleport to."
  cooldown-message: '&cYou can''t use this for another %time% seconds.'

####################################### TELEPORT #######################################

  item-name: "&7( &aTeleport &7)"
  item-lore: "&7Use &7( &aTeleport &7) &7to easily teleport.\n&7Look where you want to teleport, then &aRight Click &7to teleport there!"
  too-high-message: "&9You are looking too high to teleport!"

####################################### STAFF GUI #######################################

  item-name: "&7( &6Staff Gui &7)"
  item-lore: "&7With &7( &6Staff Gui &7) &7you can check how many\n&7Staff Members &7are currently present on the server.\n&7This helps track staff &6presence &7and &6availability."
  gui-title: "&5Staff Members"
  rank-prefix: "&7Rank: "
  expiry-date-prefix: "&7Expiry Date: "
  no-expiry: "&7No expiry date"
  date-format: "yyyy-MM-dd"
  online-status: "&a Online"
  offline-status: "&c Offline"

####################################### STAFFCHAT #######################################

  command-only-player: "&cThis command can only be used by players."
  no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use staff chat."
  message-required: "&cPlease enter a message."
  chat-format: "&7[&6gStaffChat&7] &6%player_name% &7ยป &f%message% &7(&6%server_name%&7)"
  server-name: "Glowing Dev's"

####################################### RELOAD #######################################

  config-reloaded: "&aThe config has been reloaded."
  command-player-only: "&cThis command can only be used by players."
  no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to perform this command."

####################################### WEBHOOKS #######################################

  url: "webhook url"
  useWebhook: true
  color: 65280 # This is a hexadecimal color code (for example, green).

  title: "gStaffTeam 1.0.1"
  description: "> A significant event has occurred within the staff mode functionality. Detailed information is provided below to ensure transparency and maintain a secure environment for all users."
  authorName: "Staff Member ยป %staffName%"
  footerText: "gStaffTeam Notifications"

  staff-mode-enter: "The person entered StaffMode."
  staff-mode-exit: "The person exited StaffMode."
  staff-mode-disabled-on-leave: "The person exited while in Staff Mode, therefore we deactivated their staff mode. (Deactivated)"
  staff-mode-death: "The person died in StaffMode, therefore we deactivated it and deleted their items! (Deactivated)"
  open-chest-silently: "The user opened a chest in StaffMode. (OpenedChestSilently)"

####################################### RESTORE #######################################

  itemName: "&7( &5Inventory Restore &7)"
  itemLore: "&7With this &7( &5Inventory Restore &7) &7item, you can check\n&7and restore players' inventories."
  guiTitle: "&cSelect an Option - %player%"
  deathOptionsName: "&4Death Options"
  deathOptionsLore: "&7View death-related options."
  restoreInventoryName: "&2Restore Inventory"
  restoreInventoryLore: "&7Restore the player's inventory."
  noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this item."
  restoreSuccess: "&aThe inventory of %player% has been restored."
  noDeathLogSelected: "&cNo death log selected."
  invalidId: "&cInvalid death log ID."
  inventoryRestored: "&aYour inventory and armor have been restored."
  adminCheckingTitle: "&4Admin Checking.. - %player%"
    entity_attack: "Attack by creature"
    fall: "He fell from a height"
    drowning: "He drowned"
    fire: "Burned in a fire"
    explosion: "He died in an explosion"
    starvation: "Starved to death"
    unknown: "Unknown"

Last updated