
Here you can find all the languages that are built into the plugin. Many thanks to the translators of Blores-Creations for their work!

Languages (4)

###        gGuildSystem messages          ###
###   Thanks the translate for kitsoo_    ###
###          Discord: kitsoo_             ###

  only-players: '%prefix% &cOnly players can use this command.'
  player-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified player could not be found.'
  not-in-guild: '%prefix% &cYou are not in a guild.'
  no-permission: '%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to do this!'
  already-in-guild: '%prefix% &cYou are already a member of a guild.'
  database-error: '%prefix% &cA database error occurred.'
  guild-or-player-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified guild or player could not be found.'
  reload-success: '%prefix% &aThe plugin was successfully reloaded.'
  database-reload-success: '%prefix% &cThe database was successfully reloaded.'

  # Guild Chat format
  guild-chat-format: "&7[%role_displayname%] %player%: &f%message%"

  # Player Commands
    max-members-reached: "&cThe guild has reached its maximum number of members!"
    player-already-in-guild: "&cThe player is already a member of a guild!"
    success: "&a%player% has leveled up the guild to level %level%!"
    insufficient-funds: "&cYou do not have enough %currency% to level up."
    max-level-reached: "&cThe guild has already reached the maximum level!"
    level-up-requirements: "&eThe next level costs: %cost% %currency%"
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild invite <playername>"
    invite-message: "%prefix% &a%player% has invited you to join the %guild% guild!"
    invite-expired: "%prefix% &cThe invitation has expired."
    invite-sent: "%prefix% &aYou have invited %player% to join the %guild% guild."
    already-invited: "%prefix% &c%player% has already been invited to join the %guild% guild."
    usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guild accept <guildname>'
    invite-not-found: '%prefix% &cYou do not have any pending invitations.'
    invite-expired: '%prefix% &cThe invitation has expired.'
    accept-message: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully joined the %guild% guild.'
    joined-message: '%prefix% &a%player% has joined the guild.'
    not-in-guild: "%prefix% &cYou are not a member of any guild."
    leader-cannot-leave: "%prefix% &cLeaders cannot leave the guild. Pass the leadership to someone else or disband the guild."
    confirmation: "%prefix% &cType /guild leave again within 30 seconds to confirm leaving the guild."
    left-guild: "%prefix% &aYou have successfully left the %guild% guild."
    member-left: "%prefix% &a%player% has left the guild."
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild promote <playername>"
    not-a-member: "%prefix% &cThis player cannot be promoted."
    already-admin: "%prefix% &cThis player is already an admin."
    promote-message: "%prefix% &aYou have promoted %player% to admin in the %guild% guild."
    promoted-announcement: "%prefix% &a%promoter% [%role_displayname%] has promoted %player% to admin."
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild create <guildname>"
    invalid-name: "%prefix% &cThe specified guild name is invalid or contains disallowed characters."
    guild-exists: "%prefix% &cThis guild already exists."
    creation-successful: "%prefix% &aYou have successfully created the %guild% guild."
    usage: "&cUsage: /guild pvp"
    status: "&aPvP is now %status% for your guild."
    enabled: "enabled"
    disabled: "disabled"
    changed: "&a%player% [%role_displayname%] has %status% PvP for the guild."
    not-in-guild: "%prefix% &cYou are not a member of any guild."
      - "&r"
      - "%prefix% &fGuild Info:"
      - "&fName: &e%guild%"
      - "&fLeader: %leader%"
      - "&fAdmins &7(%admin_count%/%max_admins%): %admins%"
      - "&fMembers &7(%member_count%/%max_members%): %members%"
      - "&r"
      - "&fLevel: &e%level%"
      - "&fPoints: &e%points%"
      - "&fStats: &b%kills% ⚔ &8| &c%deaths% ☠ &7[%kdr%]"
      - "&fBank Balance: &e%bank%"
      - "&f"
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild bank <deposit|withdraw|balance> <amount>"
    deposit-usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild bank deposit <amount>"
    withdraw-usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild bank withdraw <amount>"
    invalid-amount: "%prefix% &cInvalid amount."
    not-enough-money: "%prefix% &cYou do not have enough money."
    deposit-success: "%prefix% &aYou have successfully deposited %amount% into the guild bank."
    deposit-announcement: "%prefix% &a%player% [%role_displayname%] has deposited %amount% into the guild bank."
    withdraw-success: "%prefix% &aYou have successfully withdrawn %amount% from the guild bank."
    withdraw-announcement: "%prefix% &a%player% [%role_displayname%] has withdrawn %amount% from the guild bank."
    balance: "%prefix% &aThe guild bank balance is: %balance% money."
    no-permission: "%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to withdraw money from the guild bank."
    not-enough-money-in-bank: "%prefix% &cThe guild bank does not have enough money."
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild transfer <playername>"
    not-a-member: "%prefix% &cThis player is not a member of your guild."
    cannot-transfer-self: "%prefix% &cYou cannot transfer leadership to yourself."
    confirmation: "%prefix% &cType /guild transfer <playername> again within 30 seconds to confirm the transfer."
    transfer-message: "%prefix% &a%old_leader% has transferred leadership to %new_leader% in the %guild% guild."
    announcement-message: "%prefix% &a%old_leader% has transferred guild leadership to %new_leader%."
    confirmation: "%prefix% &cType /guild disband again within 30 seconds to confirm disbanding the guild."
    success: "%prefix% &aThe %guild% guild has been successfully disbanded."
    announcement: "%prefix% &a%player% has disbanded the %guild% guild."
    no-permission: "%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to disband the guild."
    not-in-guild: "%prefix% &cYou are not a member of any guild."
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild kick <playername>"
    not-a-member: "%prefix% &cThis player is not a member of your guild."
    cannot-kick-self: "%prefix% &cYou cannot kick yourself."
    kick-message: "%prefix% &aYou have kicked %player% from the %guild% guild."
    kicked-message: "%prefix% &aYou have been kicked from the %guild% guild by %kicker%."
    kicked-announcement: "%prefix% &a%kicker% [%role_displayname%] has kicked %player% from the guild."
    usage: "%prefix% &cUsage: /guild demote <playername>"
    not-a-member: "%prefix% &cThis player is not a member of your guild."
    not-an-admin: "%prefix% &cThis player is not an admin."
    not-demotable: "%prefix% &cThis player cannot be demoted."
    demote-message: "%prefix% &aYou have successfully demoted %player%."
    demoted-announcement: "%prefix% &a%player% has been demoted by %demoter% [%role_displayname%]."
    status: "&aGuild chat is now %status%."

  # Here the admin command's
      usage: '%prefix% &cIncorrect usage! Usage: /guildadmin setscore <player> <score>'
      invalid-number: '%prefix% &cInvalid number!'
      player-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified player could not be found.'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully set %player% score to: %score%'
      usage: '%prefix% &cIncorrect usage! Usage: /guildadmin setlevel <guild> <level>'
      invalid-number: '%prefix% &cInvalid number!'
      invalid-level: '%prefix% &cThe specified level is invalid! The maximum level is: %max_level%'
      guild-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified guild could not be found.'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully set the %guild% guild level to: %level%'
      usage: '%prefix% &cIncorrect usage! Usage: /guildadmin reset <guild|*>'
      guild-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified guild could not be found.'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully reset the stats for the %guild% guild.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cIncorrect usage! Usage: /guildadmin rename <current_guild_name> <new_guild_name>'
      guild-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified guild could not be found.'
      guild-already-exists: '%prefix% &cA guild with this name already exists.'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully renamed the %old_guild% guild to %new_guild%.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcetransfer <guildname> <player>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully transferred the leadership of the %guild% guild to %player%.'
      notify: '%prefix% &aYou are now the leader of the %guild% guild!'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcepvp <guildname> <enable/disable>'
      invalid-action: '%prefix% &cInvalid action. Use: enable or disable.'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully %action% PvP for the %guild% guild.'
      changed: '%prefix% &aPvP for the %guild% guild has been %status%.'
      enable: "enabled"
      disable: "disabled"
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcepromote <guildname> <playername>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully promoted %player% to admin in the %guild% guild.'
      already-admin-or-leader: "%prefix% &cThis player cannot be promoted further."
      max-admins-reached: '%prefix% &cThe guild has reached the maximum number of admins!'
      promoted-to-admin: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully promoted the player in the %guild% guild.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcekick <guildname> <playername>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully kicked %player% from the %guild% guild.'
      cannot-kick-leader: '%prefix% &cThe leader of the guild cannot be kicked.'
      kicked-from-guild: '%prefix% &aYou have been kicked from the %guild% guild.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcejoin <guildname>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully joined the %guild% guild.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forceinvite <player> <guildname>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully invited %player% to the %guild% guild.'
      guild-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified guild could not be found.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcedisband <guildname>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully disbanded the %guild% guild.'
      guild-not-found: '%prefix% &cThe specified guild could not be found.'
      member-removed: '%prefix% &cThe %guild% guild has been disbanded and you have been removed.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin forcedemote <playername> <guildname>'
      success: '%prefix% &aYou have successfully demoted %player% in the %guild% guild.'
      not-in-guild: '%prefix% &cThe specified player is not in the %guild% guild.'
      not-admin: '%prefix% &cOnly admins can be demoted.'
      demoted: '%prefix% &cYou have been demoted in the %guild% guild.'
      enabled: '%prefix% &aChatSpy enabled.'
      disabled: '%prefix% &cChatSpy disabled.'
      usage: '%prefix% &cUsage: /guildadmin bank <forcewithdraw/forcedeposit/balance> <guildname> <amount>'
      deposit-success: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully added %amount% to the %guild% guild bank.'
      withdraw-success: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully withdrew %amount% from the %guild% guild bank.'
      balance: '%prefix% &aThe balance of the %guild% guild bank is: %balance%'
      not-enough-money-in-bank: '%prefix% &cThe guild bank does not have enough money.'

  - "&r"
  - "&#FB9C08g&#FBA107G&#FCA507u&#FCAA06i&#FCAF05l&#FDB304d&#FDB804S&#FEBC03y&#FEC102s&#FEC601t&#FFCA01e&#FFCF00m &8» &fAvailable player commands:"
  - "&r"
  - "&e/guild create <name> &7- Create a new guild."
  - "&e/guild invite <player> &7- Invite a player to your guild."
  - "&e/guild accept <guild> &7- Accept a guild invitation."
  - "&e/guild leave &7- Leave your current guild."
  - "&e/guild promote <player> &7- Promote a guild member."
  - "&e/guild demote <player> &7- Demote a guild member."
  - "&e/guild kick <player> &7- Kick a guild member."
  - "&e/guild transfer <player> &7- Transfer guild leadership."
  - "&e/guild info &7- Get information about your guild."
  - "&e/guild bank deposit <amount> &7- Deposit money to the guild bank."
  - "&e/guild bank withdraw <amount> &7- Withdraw money from the guild bank."
  - "&e/guild disband &7- Disband your guild."
  - "&e/guild levelup &7- Level up your guild."
  - "&e/guild chat &7- Turn on the Guild chat."
  - "&e/guild pvp &7- Switch the PvP mode in the Guild."
  - "&r"
  - "&fIf you need any help, join our Discord server!"
  - "&x&7&2&8&9&d&a"
  - "&r"

  - "&r"
  - "&#FB9C08g&#FBA107G&#FCA507u&#FCAA06i&#FCAF05l&#FDB304d&#FDB804S&#FEBC03y&#FEC102s&#FEC601t&#FFCA01e&#FFCF00m &8» &fAvailable admin commands:"
  - "&r"
  - "&e/guildadmin create <name> &7- Create a new guild."
  - "&e/guildadmin rename <old_name> <new_name> &7- Rename an existing guild."
  - "&e/guildadmin reset <guild> <*> &7- Reset guild stats, '*' resets all."
  - "&e/guildadmin setlevel <guild> <level> &7- Set the guild level."
  - "&e/guildadmin setscore <guild> <score> &7- Set the guild score."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcetransfer <guild> <player> &7- Transfer guild leadership."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcepvp <guild> <enable/disable> &7- Force PvP mode in a guild."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcepromote <guild> <player> &7- Promote a guild member to admin."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcekick <guild> <player> &7- Kick a guild member."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcejoin <guild> &7- Force yourself to join a guild."
  - "&e/guildadmin forceinvite <player> <guild> &7- Invite a player to a guild."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcedisband <guild> &7- Disband a guild."
  - "&e/guildadmin forcedemote <guild> <player> &7- Demote an admin to member."
  - "&e/guildadmin chatspy &7- Toggle chat spy mode."
  - "&e/guildadmin bank <forcedeposit/forcewithdraw/balance> <guild> <amount> &7- Manage guild bank."
  - "&e/guildadmin reload &7- Reload the plugin configuration."
  - "&r"
  - "&fFor further assistance, join our Discord server!"
  - "&x&7&2&8&9&d&a"
  - "&r"

messages-version: "1"

Last updated