
You will find installation-related information below!

Installation and Usage

Follow these steps to install and start using our product:

Step 1: Download

  • After purchasing our product, download the Glowing file.

Step 2: Unzip

  • Unzip the downloaded file. You will get a folder named Glowing Panel.

Step 3: Transfer Files

  • Drag the contents of the Glowing Panel folder into the desired SFTP or FTP directory where you wish to run the bot.

Step 4: Configuration

  • Open the config.yml file within the transferred files.

  • Configure the settings according to your needs. Pay special attention to the server port configuration:

    • Server Port: You must write the actual port of your server in the port space in config.yml.

    • For example, if your server's address is 418.562.981:8700, you should set the port to 8700.

Step 5: Connect

  • Once everything is set up successfully, connect to your server using:

    • http://418.562.981:8700 or

    • https for a secure connection.

Step 6: Installation

  • Open the terminal and run npm install then wait for it to complete!

  • After you've set everything correctly in the config.yml, your last is to enter node js/server.js in the terminal.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully install and start using our product. If you encounter any issues, please refer to our troubleshooting guide or contact support.

Last updated